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Sleep Disorders and Treatment Options

Sleep disorders impact millions of people across the United States and can lead to further health consequences. People with sleep apnea can accidentally fall asleep at the wheel, placing their own life at risk and the lives of others. Still, many people suffer from these disorders and do not seek medical treatment since they are unaware of the condition.

In fact, sleep disorders typically are treatable. In our clinic, we help patients feel better by providing treatment for them to get a better night's sleep. The first step is to diagnose the symptoms of the sleep disorder. The most common form is sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea

One of the most common types of sleep disorders is sleep apnea. With sleep apnea, a person is not getting the right amount of oxygen while sleeping. This can lead to extreme fatigue and health problems such as high blood pressure. The symptoms go beyond normal feelings of being tired to a level of fatigue that can make it difficult to stay awake when working on the computer or operating machinery. This condition can be so severe that it resembles intoxication.

For example, someone who is so tired he or she falls asleep at the wheel can easily get into a car accident just like someone who is intoxicated. It is, therefore, highly dangerous to live with an untreated sleep disorder. One of the most common ways to treat sleep apnea is with a CPAP machine. A CPAP machine will continue to pump oxygen while someone is sleeping so that the organs can continue to function at optimal levels and a person wakes up feeling rested instead of fatigued.

If a person has obstructive sleep apnea, it is wise to use a combination of a CPAP machine and an oral appliance that he or she can place in the mouth. This device holds the jaw and tongue in the forward position. The two machines can be quite comfortable and ensure that the tongue cannot fall backward and block the airway when a person is sleeping.


Another type of sleep disorder is insomnia. Some people simply have difficulty going to sleep. Insomnia is a common condition that often must be treated with medication so that a person can get to sleep and stay asleep. Fortunately, there are a variety of sleep aids that can help. In the past, sleep aids often made someone feel drowsy and groggy in the morning but the ones available today typically do not.

This makes it possible to have a full night's sleep and then wake up feeling refreshed and energized. Anyone who feels that they are tired of not getting a good night's sleep should visit us to learn more about various sleep aids and prescription medication that can truly revolutionize the quality of life.

Speak with the doctor

These are only two types of common sleep disorders. It is important for patients to note that the only way to truly be diagnosed is to visit a physician such as ourselves. During the examination, we can make a diagnosis and begin recommending treatment solutions.

Sometimes additional testing will be required to complete the diagnosis and we can recommend those at that time. Once we know what is causing a person not to get a good quality sleep, we can begin a treatment process to resolve the issue and to improve a person's health and quality of life as a result. For help, give us a call today.

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