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Joint Injections Specialist

Athena Medical Clinic and Sleep Medicine Associates of Athens

Deepak Kumar Das, MD FACP

Internal Medicine & Sleep Medicine located in Athens, GA

Injuries and arthritis may cause pain that affects your mobility, as well as your participation in physical therapy. Board-certified internal medicine and sleep medicine physician Deepak Das, MD, FACP, at Athena Medical Clinic and Sleep Medicine Associates of Athens in Athens, Georgia, offers joint injections to ease pain and reduce inflammation. For a joint injection consultation, call the office or book online today.

Joint Injections Q & A

What are joint injections?

Joint injections are medical treatments that help alleviate joint pain and inflammation. The injections typically contain a steroid to reduce inflammation, as well as an anesthetic to alleviate pain. 

Athena Medical Clinic and Sleep Medicine Associates of Athens is a full-service internal medicine practice that offers joint injections to help patients get relief from their joint pain. 

Am I a good candidate for joint injections?

Your provider at Athena Medical Clinic and Sleep Medicine Associates of Athens determines if you’re a good candidate for joint injections during an evaluation. The internal medicine practice offers joint injections as a treatment option for patients with:

  • Knee pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Tennis elbow
  • Golfer’s elbow

If you’re suffering from joint pain, contact Athena Medical Clinic and Sleep Medicine Associates of Athens to schedule an evaluation. The full-service practice also provides urgent care for patients unable to get an appointment with their primary care provider and may save you a trip to the emergency room.

What happens during joint injections?

Athena Medical Clinic and Sleep Medicine Associates of Athens performs your joint injection at the office. The specifics of your treatment depend on the joint receiving the injection and your medical history.

During your treatment, your provider injects the medication directly into your painful joint. In some cases, guided imagery is used to ensure the accuracy of your injection. 

How quickly do joint injections relieve pain?

You may notice an improvement in pain immediately if your injection contains an anesthetic, and then continued improvement in pain and inflammation over time from the steroid. Your injection may provide pain relief for 2-3 months.

For hyaluronic acid injections, you may require up to three injections, which can provide relief from joint pain for up to six months. 

Athena Medical Clinic and Sleep Medicine Associates of Athens may suggest follow-up joint injections as needed based on the underlying cause of your pain and the type of injection received. 

To schedule your joint injection for pain relief, call Athena Medical Clinic and Sleep Medicine Associates of Athens or book online today.